Mutual Fund

Mutual fund Investment is taking calculated risk to ascertain higher return in comparison to available traditional saving product where interest rate is pre decided. Through mutual fund one can Invest every asset class without geographical limitation. One can invest in Real Estate, Gold, Govt of India Bonds shares of Foreign companies

Mutual fund investment is broadly divided into two segment 1. Equity oriented segment 2. Debt oriented segment. This classification is based on nature of asset where mutual fund further invest in i.e. investment in Equities (Shares) of companies and investment in Bonds, Debenture issued by companies.

Important things one should know before investing in Mutual Fund.

  • Tenure: it means how long you want to be remain invested, or horizon of investment i.e. for 2 day, for 3 months, 1 years, 3 years, or 20 years.
  • Risk appetite: How much risk you want to take. In a simple word what would be your action if investment value less than your principal amount, withdraw money fearing further loss, or invest more money to recover losses
  • Objective of investment: - Purpose of investment, having some goal behind your investment, could be for Retirement planning, for Children education, for buying Houses, Car, etc.