
What Our Clients Say

We pay attention to details and quality, good communication and strong customer relationship. Here is what they say about us.

Satish Shah

Dhiraj became financial advisory of mine, as he assures one with simple, rank and non biased opinions and suggestions on any matter be it financial or non financial.

Shree Narayan Sabharwal

I myself being a natural investor in share, got admired by Dhiraj’s knowledge , passion and same direction of thought process which let me choose him as a mutual fund distributor.

Dr. Dharmashila Sharma

Dhiraj looked after my son’s investments, so I invested through him which ultimately made me refer him further.

Rohit Harjani

I invested through Dhiraj, as he has a vast experience in mutual fund industries and follows a right path to selection of fund and objective orientation.

Amit Mishra

CA by nature, I got fascinated by Dhiraj’s readiness and promptness of application to selection of funds and insurance.

Basudev Bhattacharya

Trust is the key to security which led to me choose Dhiraj as an Investment advisor . His object oriented advise also made me believe in him

Vivek Rathi

I referred this investment company to many of my acquaintance. Dhiraj’s knowledge, transparency and way of attempt made me myself invest more

Laxmi Rawale

Dhiraj’s modesty and honesty made me believe in myself which led a small slum investor like me to invest my savings which would be properly taken care by them.

Tavishi Singh

Dhiraj explained mutual funds so simpler, that it made me overcome my fear of investments and I suggested it further to my near and dears.

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Borivali west Mumbai 400092

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